Peace Lutheran Church offers many Teams to outreach into our community and to our own members of the church. We offer our facilities to the Freedom Warming Centers to host their warming shelter to the homeless during the harsh months of winter. As of recent we have taken over the Community Garden in the back of our building. In the future we hope this will be an outreach opportunity to those in the community around us. The hope is to provide healthy food to those around us that many not be able to have a garden of their own. We are a small congregation with a large facility and big hearts. We would like to provided as many ministries into the community as we can. If you feel compelled to help us out in any of these aspects please contact the church office at (805) 736-0250
Outreaching Commitee
Our outreaching committee encompasses many aspects of the social world in our church. This committee includes outreach into the community including the warming shelter during the winter as well as outreach to our own members. Please feel free to contact the office at (805)736-0250 if you would like to help with our outreaching committee. The committee oversees fellowship, social ministries, and evangelism.
Disciple Team
Our Discipling Team oversees worship, education, and youth within our church. We meet on the second Sunday of the month to discuss the activities of our youth and direction of our worship service. Please consider joining us for this meaningful meeting for our youth and service.
Community Garden
Our community garden is up and running, in full bloom, and thriving. We have a lot to thank Ursula Townsend for; she has taken over managing the garden, weeding areas that aren’t hers, and watering. She is here most days to continue upkeep when others are not here or unavailable. We appreciate all of you energy and help Ursula. While we have many spots “rented” we still have 5 spots available. I ask you all to tell your friends and neighbors about our Community Garden outreach project to get our non-members involved. Here are some pictures to show how our garden is thriving! If you would like to help with this project/ team please call Peace Lutheran and leave a message for Kim at (805) 736-0250 or email us at admin@peacelompoc.org We look forward to hearing from you.
Women's Ministry
The women of Peace Lutheran meet Tuesday mornings for bible study at 10:30 at the church to study God's word and for friendship and fellowship. They also help plan all of our events like birthdays and anniversaries, special services, and holiday plans. We are a very open group of women, please stop by to join our ministry.